
Thumbnail of the map 'dunder'

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Author yungerkid
Tags author:yungerkid flowy race rated
Created 2008-05-31
Last Modified 2008-05-31
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description is this an improvement?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Bloom' Thumbnail of the map 'Sordid Sophistry' Thumbnail of the map 'Reach' Thumbnail of the map 'Cells' Thumbnail of the map 'Convergence' Thumbnail of the map 'Radley 2'
Bloom Sordid Sophistry Reach Cells Convergence Radley 2


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Very cheatable

Parts of this map I found to be refreshing for a race - like that jumppad wall jump on the left side. Other parts I flat out disliked - like the chimney at the beginning, or the little alcove with the two trapdoor switches. And yes, it's on the hard side and the flow occasionally disappears or becomes questionable. Still, I had fun with it, and to me it's non-standard parts were interesting enough to keep it afloat. 3/5 from me.
Demo Data

Flow was...


Tileset was good.-4/5

Enemy placement was O.K.-3.5/5

4/5 is good for this. Just work on flow.


Demo Data
its flowy, just not very directional, which can get confusing in a good race 4/5, i like it so far tho
Demo Data

Flow was iffy

I say iffy, it was like...



i'm glad

and i'll keep working on improving my races. some day i will be the best. i know it. here's a flow demo. actually, i am not very good at n, so it took me a while.
Demo Data


I like the tileset, though there should've been more gold.
Also, some parts of the flow were confusing? A demo from you to show the flow would be nice. 4/5.