just like any other day...

Thumbnail of the map 'just like any other day...'

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Author ionman
Tags action antiplayable author:ionman unrated
Created 2008-05-27
Last Modified 2008-05-27
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description in this level you just might pull your legs out in fury or fall down on theground twitching.its sorta like indiana jones.(in a way.)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'a bit o' this, abit o' that.....' Thumbnail of the map 'enemy territory' Thumbnail of the map 'poo' Thumbnail of the map 'enemy territory' Thumbnail of the map 'poo'
a bit o' this, abit o' that..... enemy territory poo enemy territory poo


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I could have made it, man.
Demo Data
coming at ya!

Play some of the featured maps. Play maps from authors such as Orion_ [] or epigone []. Play some of their maps and get an idea of the simplicity they use to create some awesome maps.

I know that this map IS possible, it is just extremely hard to get the jump correctly. Play some of the maps by those authors (and others) and then use those for inspiration. The main issue with this map is that the jump is too hard and there isn't an idea that is developed within it. It's far too short if you can complete it, or it is just way too hard if you can't.

I hope that helps. Playing other people's maps is what helps authors become better mapmakers though. Good luck!


have u tested ur levels? all these levels that i have seen have sucked and obviously havent been very well tested. learn to test and create better levels that have a set path and are easily beatable first.


first parts a bitch
second parts impossible