Some Mountains That You Jump From

Thumbnail of the map 'Some Mountains That You Jump From'

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Author Yahoozy
Tags action author:yahoozy playable puzzle rated
Created 2008-05-26
Last Modified 2008-05-26
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description Some Mountains That You Jump From

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Sola Fide II' Thumbnail of the map 'Lift Yr. Dying Ghosts Like Antennas To Heaven' Thumbnail of the map 'Neath Waters' Thumbnail of the map 'Jup-Na-Keeeeeel' Thumbnail of the map 'Organ Donor' Thumbnail of the map 'Internal K-Dart'
Sola Fide II Lift Yr. Dying Ghosts Like Antennas To Heaven Neath Waters Jup-Na-Keeeeeel Organ Donor Internal K-Dart


Pages: (0)


Demo Data

Third try - AGD

Demo Data

I don't think

this is what you had in mind.
Demo Data


I love the title

1/3 AGD

quite challenging, but I like it. It would be a 5, but the way that you have made the map makes it impossible to put more enemies in while geting an AGD. 4aved
Demo Data
I don't like the gameplay personally, but what can you do? I wouldn't change it just for me. I was just annoyed, because as far as i can tell, a lot of thought goes into your maps usually, and this just felt rushed.

affect the gameplay, mintnut?
It felt as though you hadn't put any real effort into the mine placement, just putting a mine on every 2 or 6 tile. Of course, you could have positioned each 2 and 6 tile with care to get exactly the gameplay you were after, but it doesn't come across like that.
Demo Data

Slower speedrun.

I like it, but it just feels like there isn't enough to it. 4/5.
Demo Data


This took for-goddamm-ever!

5 this map is frucksalickin' Amazing!
Demo Data


Demo Data
gold's neat too, but I don't feel like getting it.