Weird Creature

Thumbnail of the map 'Weird Creature'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author RedSham
Tags author:redsham cool good great look n-art nart nonplayable rated redsham wire-art wireframe
Created 2008-05-20
Last Modified 2008-05-20
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Another Wireframe/n-art (wire-art)that i made.
load in editor to view

it is so awesome 1000 times better than the last one!!!!! :)

Take the time to view it. Please rate and comment.

Hope you enjoy

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Clock' Thumbnail of the map 'Gateway' Thumbnail of the map 'The Final Eagle' Thumbnail of the map 'combo test' Thumbnail of the map 'Cyber Dragon' Thumbnail of the map 'Cyber Dragon Resub'
The Clock Gateway The Final Eagle combo test Cyber Dragon Cyber Dragon Resub


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Nice Job. I love how this turned out. I had never thought of that. 4.5/5

Hey, can you try making a song out of the noises all the objects make?

I tried one for Super Mario Bros World 1,2


This has been done before.

just curious

has anyone done these before?