disect the animal

Thumbnail of the map 'disect the animal'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author handofgod
Tags action author:handofgod jump playable rated run
Created 2008-05-08
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description remember to use a scalpal

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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'mouse chases the cheese' Thumbnail of the map 'beyond the stone age' Thumbnail of the map 'cleptomaniac' Thumbnail of the map 'upside down cake' Thumbnail of the map 'the power of 8 (precursor to 7)' Thumbnail of the map 'out to lunch in cloud city'
mouse chases the cheese beyond the stone age cleptomaniac upside down cake the power of 8 (precursor to 7) out to lunch in cloud city


Pages: (0)

Blech, looks awful

But it's so much fun! 4.5aved.

Speedy AGD
Demo Data


Very aesthetic, but I like the gameplay so... 3.5/5