
Thumbnail of the map 'Atlantis'

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Author yungerkid
Tags author:yungerkid flowy race rated
Created 2008-05-08
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description my first race map. more to come.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Pseudonym' Thumbnail of the map 'Pseudonym 2'
Pseudonym Pseudonym 2


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ahaha! these beginning times were so crucial, and yet so amusing now as i look back on them. i was such a spirited young runt.


more flow than the crazy miner :D

that's funny ^^

I honestly didnt see your potential when i first played this lol

For a first,

4. +2 since first and since sniped.


you can cheat it. that's nice! good for you! i don't care. it's more fun to play it through, and i could care less whether it's cheatable or not. what makes you think i don't like this tileset? and what in the world do you mean lacks flow? this map has more flow than Crazy Miner if you do it right! i could not help the objects outside of the map, i can't alter the code either. i agree, the tileset could look better tho


sorry i just didnt like it

Demo Data
agree with TribulatioN. Also, try refining your tiles to make them look better, while still maintaining the flow.
Demo Data


It's cheat-able for one, and it's flow isn't quite there yet.
Experiment with tiles until you fine a pattern you like and still has flow.
And try not to have objects outside the map..


for a first race map. I like how you go back through the whole thing to get to the door. Yet, it lacks excitement. You need to add enemies. Time some drones in there or something and it would be a worthy race map. Very nice flow and all also. Keep them coming!
