What The Thwumpen Thwump?

Thumbnail of the map 'What The Thwumpen Thwump?'

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Author MasterNinja79
Tags author:masterninja79 medium playable unrated
Created 2008-05-07
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description An old map of mine that I haven't had time to post. I think it's kinda fun. Enjoy! Also the door switch at the end is kind of tricky. And yes, you don't need to get all of the switches to finish the level. They are there so if you want to get them, if you get them it is easier to get the door switch and the door.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Doomy, Doomy, Doom' Thumbnail of the map 'Take Your Time' Thumbnail of the map 'Thwumpen Thwumps' Thumbnail of the map 'Take Your Time... Again' Thumbnail of the map 'Crosshairs' Thumbnail of the map 'Light at the End of the Tunnel'
Doomy, Doomy, Doom Take Your Time Thwumpen Thwumps Take Your Time... Again Crosshairs Light at the End of the Tunnel


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good map
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