
Thumbnail of the map 'Styud'

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Author DaggaFork
Tags author:daggafork playable puzzle unrated
Created 2008-04-28
Map Data

Description Enjoy. Just, who can beat it?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Religeon' Thumbnail of the map 'Nation Wide Jumpers' Thumbnail of the map 'Bottom Line Explosions' Thumbnail of the map 'Death, Fury, War, and Anger' Thumbnail of the map 'Shalln't' Thumbnail of the map 'Whikcypidaea the Steoryj Ensycleaopydea'
Religeon Nation Wide Jumpers Bottom Line Explosions Death, Fury, War, and Anger Shalln't Whikcypidaea the Steoryj Ensycleaopydea


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I don't have practice mode on, so I ran out of time.

Pre-1000! So hard to go so fast. I was lucky in the second room.
Demo Data

first try :)

without looking at demo ofcourse..
well i thought u just need to keep jumping like hell n the ninja seems to find a way himself lol..
also he cant die here so i dont see why it shouldnt be possibl e in first try for everyone...
Demo Data

Demo Data

Oh yeah...

I also didn't look at the demo. I didn't beat it on my first try though.
Didn't look at demo.
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Demo Data
If you look and submit a demo, just tell me.
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