Love Like Rockets

Thumbnail of the map 'Love Like Rockets'

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Author TribulatioN
Tags action author:tribulation medium playable rated
Created 2008-04-04
Last Modified 2008-04-04
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description People say they can't make good tilesets, while some crazy tiles are right in front of your eyes.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Broken Wings' Thumbnail of the map 'White Knuckles' Thumbnail of the map 'Good Shoes Won't Save You This Time' Thumbnail of the map 'Where Would We Be Now' Thumbnail of the map 'Imsomnia' Thumbnail of the map 'Bounce You Shant'
Broken Wings White Knuckles Good Shoes Won't Save You This Time Where Would We Be Now Imsomnia Bounce You Shant


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I loved this one 5/5 nice job!
it really made the level look better.
the tiles are hard to move/jump on and the gold is hard to collect due to the rockets being so near to the gold.

I'd change some of the groups of tiles into bounceblocks.
but they're really too hard to jump on. It's a pretty good level though, 3/5.


I liked the challenge it gave where you had to time your jumps a bit more carefully to dodge the rockets.

here's a demo
(I had to pick up the phone at the bottom right corner)
Demo Data

agree with max, 4/5 though those tiles are sexy fine.
awkward gamplay. The rockets are hard to dodge with the weird tiles. The beginning was a little weird due to the rocket being so close. The gold was hard to collect because of the weird shape, but it was fun to get.
