Slowly, But Surely.

Thumbnail of the map 'Slowly, But Surely.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author butchsmudge31
Tags action author:butchsmudge31 fun playable unrated
Created 2008-04-02
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description To complete you need a very good technic at it.
I play-tested, and no, it isn't cheat-able.

Hope you like it.

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The Wall Done It! Pecan Number 5 Sparkle Holes Holy Mines! Swirl


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The first section

is highly cheatable.
Demo Data

Not the second..

..section. You need to keep the rocket behind you, for the whole circle.


I know but too slow is not fun. And at the beginning u dont need to go slow, thats why I posted the demo. :-)


.. get killed.
Meaning, You need to go slower, to let them follow you.


U must not go slowly, here the demo
Demo Data