Live Short and Prosper a Little

Thumbnail of the map 'Live Short and Prosper a Little'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author HeartView
Tags author:heartview playable rated survival
Created 2005-08-15
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description This is sort of a puzzle survival map. It is possible to last quite long if you can learn to move fast and dodge drones with near perfect precision.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Never Say Die' Thumbnail of the map 'Tailbreak' Thumbnail of the map 'Splinters' Thumbnail of the map 'How the Grinch Stole A Nickle' Thumbnail of the map 'Mount Wanna-Hock-A-Luigi' Thumbnail of the map 'Lungs'
Never Say Die Tailbreak Splinters How the Grinch Stole A Nickle Mount Wanna-Hock-A-Luigi Lungs


Pages: (0)

Oh yes...

I am God. It's official.
Demo Data


You rule! :D Watching you I'm thinking one could pretty much do this nearly forever.
not 1000 yet though.
Demo Data

a bit further...

nice idea.
Demo Data


Difficult. Here's my farthest.
Demo Data


this is as far as i got
Demo Data

A Demo

To get this started...
Demo Data