Drone Tunnel

Thumbnail of the map 'Drone Tunnel'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author spudzalot
Tags action author:spudzalot dronepath drones fast fun playable race rated
Created 2008-03-31
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description i really really like this map, its super fun. you can complete it in two ways. the first one is to stay back and collect gold and slowly go through the level. the second way is to go as fast as you can and jump through each passage way between the drones. the second way is much more fun.

submit your fast demos and all gold demos
good luck

Other maps by this author

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Sensitive Descendant Cider Nucleus (completed) Channeling Spoiks


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That rocks...

...dude, that was a heck of a cool idea, 5/5 for sure...


Its great it can just be cheated so easily, i would put all drones in the circle but leave one space so you can't just go behind them, 5/5

Demo Data


The completion concept is fun, as is AGD. But it seems like they should be more intertwined. Then, that might not work out.

I loved the left room in the center area.


Very cool concept, decent gameplay 4/5
Demo Data