New York

Thumbnail of the map 'New York'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Supah-N
Tags author:supah-n n-art nart nonplayable rated sick-nasty
Created 2008-03-28
Last Modified 2008-03-28
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description buildings in new york
i like how it turned out
sun is sloppy i know
i fixed it thx to the ppl that commented it

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Turret' Thumbnail of the map 'No Floor' Thumbnail of the map 'Pac-Man' Thumbnail of the map 'Abstract' Thumbnail of the map 'Broken Chain' Thumbnail of the map 'Can You Survive'
Turret No Floor Pac-Man Abstract Broken Chain Can You Survive


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but it is improved over what it was. Some of the doors are off-kilter, and I felt the sign was unnecessary. It doesnt really capture the big city image...too serene looking. Not bad, but it could be alot better. Try out using more z-snap, like my map and see how that works out for you. You just need to find your style, and in time you'll improve.
It's not that great. By N-art standards, it's shockingly simple. Straight lines and z-snap together in the same art generally makes for bad art. Overall, its just bland. But I wont criticize without giving tips.

-learn to better use color.
-Make z-snap lines straighter and more concise.
-Complexify your N-arts. Add shading, patterns, or whatever you want.
-Dont use bounceblocks in patterns like that cloud. Just doesn't work :P
-try to make your art less linear
-Heres the hardest one of all...add a certain feeling to your art. I know its abstract, right-brain stuff, but you can do it. This looks too much like it oughtta be in crayon.


Black Hole Sun

Best part of the map.

The other stuff is good too. Except for some of the gold. Which pieces, you ask? I will never tell.

Anyways, BHS takes precedence: 5.
Maybe you could have gone for a window effect. That would have really filled out the buildings. Also, the clouds could use work. Not bad though.