Salvador's Deli (Hard Version)

Thumbnail of the map 'Salvador's Deli (Hard Version)'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author TheKitchenSink
Tags author:thekitchensink fun funkadelic funky hard jawesome minejumper minejumper-ish rotated tileset tilt tilted unrated
Created 2008-03-20
Last Modified 2008-03-21
Map Data

Description "Hard" version of a previous map I made. All this one does is complete the pattern with the mines; I left some out in the original in key spots because I felt it was too hard that way. If you liked that map and want more of a challenge, this is for you. Since it's just a different version of my original, I've disabled ratings. Feel free to rate the original at .

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Diamond Mine' Thumbnail of the map 'Pinwheels of Fortune' Thumbnail of the map 'Drpwnes' Thumbnail of the map 'What enemies do in their spare time' Thumbnail of the map 'Tessellate' Thumbnail of the map 'Plan-Tation'
Diamond Mine Pinwheels of Fortune Drpwnes What enemies do in their spare time Tessellate Plan-Tation


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you could provide a completion demo?

not too hard...

except the part where to get to the top. i just can't nail it.


is this the hard version than is the easy version very easy