Thumbnail of the map 'ESCAPE! v2'

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Author ReignFalling
Tags author:reignfalling dda fireworks lasers unrated
Created 2008-03-08
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Too many mines, hope I fixed it well enough

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'ESCAPE!' Thumbnail of the map 'survival'
ESCAPE! survival


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but use them as little as possible, and make sure that you get a REALLY good close call if you ever do use one.

I mean,

Top Rated page.


Try using as little mines as possible.

And also, the only propulsion you used was launch pads. Never use launch pads in a DDA. They show lazyness. If you want to see a real floor shaking, jaw breaking, backyard racking DDA, look up Clifty's DDA's. You can find a few on the highscores.