This Will Destroy You

Thumbnail of the map 'This Will Destroy You'

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Author cypher48518
Tags author:cypher48518 cypher48518 experimental unrated
Created 2008-02-22
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description My first map. An experimental map that was created and inspired by the band This Will Destroy You (hence the name.) Let me know what I can do to improve it. I'll admit that getting out of the starting room is tricky (but that was the point...)


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3.5 / 5

Agree with the emptyness. The trapdoor is a bit arbitrary, though. Also, might work better if the rockets weren't so limited in their targets.

it feels

like it was made to be bare. I love the little room with the rocket, but you need to get rid of the trap door.


Good first map. Interesting, and it feels a little bare, but the climbing down is challenging enough that it isn't a problem. Maybe a little easy, but quite good.