Thumbnail of the map 'N-SANE'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author whoawhoa
Tags author:whoawhoa cheesese cool fast flow fun rated
Created 2008-02-17
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description ITS REALLY QUITE FUN +_+

Other maps by this author

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maze go kwik kwik almost impossible mines are evil


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thx 4 ur opinions


for all the ppl that were commenting about how bad the flow was, i know it LOOKS like its supposed 2 have flow, but its not supposed 2

A zero?

It a least deserves 1.

Demo Data
Ehem, FAILED try harder
I would like to give you a speach on why this map deserves a 0. It deserves a 0.

that was my worksheet.i got an F. anyways you still get a0

Demo Data

It's okay.

Really easy, longer than it needs to be, and not very fun at all. Try again: 2.


It doesn't flow as well as I think you'd like. There are some parts where it feels like you want the player to turn, but it's more natural to just jump in some direction.