Up, Up and Away

Thumbnail of the map 'Up, Up and Away'

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Author geetakingle
Tags author:geetakingle flowy hopefully race unrated
Created 2008-02-16
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description My second race. This is better than the first one. Im trying to avoid the usual curves of the race. Please play, comment and , critisize positively. Rate accordingly.

I have submitted a flow demo.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Will it be Heaven or Hell?' Thumbnail of the map 'Electric Flow' Thumbnail of the map 'The Road streches forever...' Thumbnail of the map 'Will Methane dissolve in water?' Thumbnail of the map 'Superconductivity' Thumbnail of the map 'Race-o-topia'
Will it be Heaven or Hell? Electric Flow The Road streches forever... Will Methane dissolve in water? Superconductivity Race-o-topia


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You've got some cool stuff, namely all the things you do with that middle room with the laser. But other than that, it's pretty average. I don't make race maps but I can give you some tips:
- Make it more interesting (in terms of everything). More changes in direction, more enemies, more decoration (tileset, added mines, whatever), etc.
- Don't use an arrow of gold to direct the player, use mines, one-ways, the tileset, thwumps, etc.
- Try to squeeze in as much as possible, but try not to reuse big sections of the map (smaller sections are okay as long as you don't overdo it)
- Make sure everything works without the player having to slow down! In order to get all the gold and all the switches in the bottom right, you have to slow down a bit.

Hope that helps.
Demo Data


Cool map. Keep trying, and you'll get better.

Demo Data


Much better than the first, I think. Can't wait for the next one!
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Demo Data