Prison Cell

Thumbnail of the map 'Prison Cell'

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Author olimar64
Tags author:olimar64 olimar64 unrated
Created 2008-02-13
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description One of my 1st successful levels.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Clusterf*** In The White House'
Clusterf*** In The White House


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As the forums go, the Map-Rating Thread will give you rates ONLY, not comments. If you want comments, post in the Map-Commenting Thread.


NR means No Rate.


First off, there's no way to beat the level. Not good.

Second, aside from the first point, this is actually not bad for your second map. Seriously. I'd give it a 1.5, though, so I'll give you an NR (unless you really want the 1.5).

Third, check out the following to learn how to avoid some common errors that new mappers make:

Mostly I just wanted to write something that makes sence and proves a point. Hehe. I just do not get to write much that often. I like writing alot so this is fun just to get all the words out of my mouth (fingers) in 3 big go's..
I hope to see your next level. I will rate up on your next level if you use my idea of making a jungle level. Then your average rating will probably go up a bit.

I also forgot to mention that you can not really say that it is 'One of your first succesful levels,' you only have 2.
So you could say it is my succesful level or it is succesful like my other level. I dont see a real meaning with 'ONE of my first succesful levels. Try to think of that stuff while writing descriptions. And make it describe the level not your maps overall.

I just do not see why there are always Prison or Jail maps.Sure it is the easiest map type to make. For Noobs. Like you. But why cant anyone think of a new idea? Jail levels are always the same. And usualy quite boring. I do have to agree that some are really fun but this, and most others are really boring. So try to use different scenarios for future levels. Try jungle levels or tilesets. Just dont give me any more bores. Overall I am giving you a 2/5

I got

Demo Data

A few tips...

1. You overkilled the gold. which can be easy to do, but keep in mind that a little push to move faster will add new dimensions to a map.
2. (This may just be an accidental glitch, but...)Test your levels. It's impossible, or at least i found it impossible, to get out of the room with the final key. Challenge is great but impossibilities will irritate the hell out of people.
Thats about it. Its a pretty good map design, with some good ideas, though it has possibilities to become much more challenging. I'd recommend adding something to the last room section thingy where the exit door is.
Altogether, 3/5