
Thumbnail of the map 'hell'

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Author fingersonthefrets
Tags author:fingersonthefrets hell race rated
Created 2008-02-03
Last Modified 2008-02-03
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description heh, this map is pretty meh

advice? gold doesn't seem to fit and most enemies are pretty ineffective

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'the key to my heart' Thumbnail of the map '(^_^)' Thumbnail of the map 'Bear Hug.' Thumbnail of the map 'Calm Down Dearest' Thumbnail of the map 'Hat Trick' Thumbnail of the map 'Sails.'
the key to my heart (^_^) Bear Hug. Calm Down Dearest Hat Trick Sails.


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of his time, it helped that his races were really well made, point is anyway, he's done that, see what else you can do rather than make n spin around in loops.

4.5 + 5 + 0?

maybe, tis 3 out of 5 now
so you mr, get a five
Thank you n0valyfe.

@yahoozy: Non-linearity is certainly not bad. "Race" maps that play like action maps are bad. New NUMA users are not brainwashed, we just see more concepts that could be done within the traditional race framework that you "oldsters" (funny, because IRL I'm probably older than some of you) don't see. Look at most of Psycho_CO's races and tell me they're not linear, loopy, and original.

The more I see of these non-linear, unflowy (and don't tell me "well you have to find the flow", that's not what a flow is) action/races, the less I like them. To say that these are future of race maps is just as ridiculous as saying that bands like Avenged Sevenfold are the future of heavy metal - A7X aren't metal, and while this has some racey parts to it and some similarities to races, it's not a race.

And if you're going to respond to this, please ignore my rabid metal purism and focus on my rabid race purism. :p

Oh, it's a race?

Make it an action, definitely.
I say, clean up the tiles, add some gold and maybe some more enemies to up the challenge, and you've got yourself a nice level.

This is nice

Looks unnatural, but plays very naturally.
Poor demo, sorry.
Demo Data
i love this by the way.
it does what it does perfectly.
if only i could get a completion...

I'm not a new user

I used to play back when there were only 40,000 maps, under a different name, and its a matter of opinion on how I like race maps, so please don't bite my head off over it.
I cannot adequately express my anger to you in text form, but non-linearity is... not... bad...

Are all new NUMA users this brainwashed?


i could make a map that was had perfect flow, but they're boring
why should the path be obvious? i have a good time working them out
and why does it matter if more than one path can be taken?
Wasn't very flowy and would probably better as an action map if you adjust it a little bit.

Next time maybe make the flow a bit better, and make a more obvious path, because in this map, there are about 100 different paths that could be taken.
at one point..
Demo Data