Conference-Room 2

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Author timtrav
Tags author:timtrav playable puzzle unrated
Created 2005-08-03
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description N finally arrived inside the mcdondalds, only that the mean guy at the register that had a eye-patch wouldnt let N pay gold for a coke, fri, and a cheezeburger. so N had an idea. he was gonna steal some of the other costomers food, but just the cheeze. by then the eye-patch guy would be aftyer him, so he has to make a choice, out the front door, <where you start> , or out the back door. <maked with a E, for Exit>
You must decide, and keep N alive!!

This is my second level, so i hope this is a LITTLE harder. please post demos and votes.

also, im gonna had a Conference-Room 3 after this if this level is good.

hurry! only post demos if all the gold in the cheezeburgers are taken.

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