Honeycomb Kingdom

Thumbnail of the map 'Honeycomb Kingdom'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author fingersonthefrets
Tags author:fingersonthefrets honey rated yummy
Created 2008-01-17
Last Modified 2008-01-17
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Hurry Honey Thief!

Other maps by this author

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God Is An Astronaut. ARCH OF TERROR! IT TERRIFIES AND STUFF I Fought The Law. Cryptic Egyptic [Authority] whatever trevor


Pages: (0)


The drones create a so-called "time limit", where you have to exit the room in +/- 30 seconds. Slow, but flows quite well.

Demo Data
In terms of gameplay.

Very cool.

Except the laser. ;_;

very flowy

Demo Data


kinda messed up the end
Demo Data
only look at it if you have to, otherwise try and work it out
Demo Data