Thumbnail of the map 'SOMETHIN'

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Author Gothic_Princess
Tags author:gothic_princess awes0me complete narley unrated
Created 2008-01-06
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description poop

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Mentally Sick' Thumbnail of the map 'That Map That Talks' Thumbnail of the map 'Crazy Cats Carry Cantaloupes' Thumbnail of the map 'Tremendous Turtles Tackle Tangelos' Thumbnail of the map 'Outrageous Octopus Outburn Oranges' Thumbnail of the map 'Dull Diamonds Drink Dr. Pepper'
Mentally Sick That Map That Talks Crazy Cats Carry Cantaloupes Tremendous Turtles Tackle Tangelos Outrageous Octopus Outburn Oranges Dull Diamonds Drink Dr. Pepper


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I think the only reason you sniped me is so my average rating for maps would be lower than yours. Just so ya know all of my maps would be 3.5 - 4.5 if you wouldn't have sniped me... job well done, eh?

Way too empty.

Put in some gold and mines. Make it a bit difficult by making the mines a specific pattern or way. This is too easy, and not in the good way.