Super Jump

Thumbnail of the map 'Super Jump'

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Author Bovine_Fury
Tags author:bovine_fury bovine fury jump super unrated
Created 2008-01-05
Map Data

Description Press back into the trampoline and immediately press forward. When you get to the end jump while still holding right. Thus will you complete the super jump. No code editing required!

P.S To do this, put a locked door on top of a normal door, and put the switch one space to the right. Also, you have to hit it at the perfect velocity, or else you won't do it.

Other maps by this author

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Merry Christmas! Adrenal Nailo DDA Masterful Ride The Rails Insomnia Ep. 1 (Fixed)


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what is this?

Amateur hour?
Demo Data


Demo Data

hehe funny map

sry for noob question, but... do you calculate the number of frames?

funny map ;)


Seems like u can still die if u don't go fast enough. faster by 1 frame. lol
Demo Data

Oh wait,

Ratings are disabled! I would have given it a 4

Oh, right!

I got it! Here's a demo for you. Cool trick so i'll give it a 4
Demo Data


Here's a demo. :)
Demo Data