Lake of Fire

Thumbnail of the map 'Lake of Fire'

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Author -NMastermind-
Tags -nmastermind- author:-nmastermind- fire hard lake lasers mean mines moving of surprise survival tough unrated very-hard
Created 2007-12-23
Last Modified 2008-01-19
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Some call me evil, some call me crazy, some call me a master of deception. Fiery lake of doom with fire and brimstone (and lasers) raining down from above. It is beatable (I have completed it myself) so no worries.


Other maps by this author

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Evil Kenival PROJECT X Deadlocked Mission Impossible Scattered The lines of wasted time


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Hey NMastermind,

If you add a NaN instead of the last number of a moving drone (laser or otherwise), they will remain fixed in place. That way, you don't have to place doors around the enemy and place the switches on the starting ninja.
-Just a note-