On route 777

This map has been removed from listings.

Thumbnail of the map 'On route 777'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Biznotch
Tags author:biznotch dda rated
Created 2007-12-21
by 38 people.
Map Data

Description i made it hold any direction and u fukin win

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Gorsh' Thumbnail of the map 'Nazi War Machine' Thumbnail of the map 'Death Tracks' Thumbnail of the map 'Launch Pad Death' Thumbnail of the map 'Raising the Bar' Thumbnail of the map 'Left to Rite???'
Gorsh Nazi War Machine Death Tracks Launch Pad Death Raising the Bar Left to Rite???


Pages: (0)


For blatant plagiarism.

Turtle, DaggaFork, don't spam with comments that have nothing to say. I've deleted your blank comments.

changed the ninjas position. And now it sucks. You've practically copied the whole of Clifty's and now it don't even work. 0
I don't know why you set this map in DDA! because it seems out to be...
i tested and nothing happened...
Only one ting happened... the rocket killed the ninja

oh well

hes banned now and that is all that matters

Oh this is swell.

Now maps are being stolen and taken credit for. This place is becoming worse than YouTube.




the nerve...
You went and sniped my map as 'revenge' for kindly giving your map the rating it deserved.
Really, you're not deserving of Numa...

Who voted higher

than a 0?!
If you're reading this, the person that 'made' this map copied it from another map.


Yous suck balls.


You made my day


No, I'm not joking.
You've proved that my map is so good, that you're jealous enough to try and steal it. This is better than a million snipes, really. :D

Oh wait, I was joking. But really, thank you. 0aved.


1. stealing maps is bad
2. yes it is bad
3. you suck
4. why haven't you been banned for this
5. this is bad
6. it doesn't work
7. it's still bad
8. I don't like the number 8
9. I like cookies
10. why!?!?!? plz tell why!?!? why did you do this
(11.) how old are you?? 4 or something


why havnt you been banned yet? you keep stealing maps, you keep being offencive to people, and you are generally a jerk-off. i again ask, why are you here?

maybe im overreacting - but its crap like this that brings NUMA down. oh and also - WTF - "fuka's" ... seriously?


Epic Fail.

It's okay

he probably has a life.
we dont.



it dont work

are you an idiot sorry but did you think that anyone wouldnt notice you nicked it then made it not work? your an idiot and i honestly think after this stunt it will be years before anyone accepts you again. tut tut tut. 0/5


I love the name.
Pure genius.


Just try playing it, it's kind of amusing.
Kind of demonstrates the lack of versatility in the DDA genre.

But I'm sure that's not what this author intended.

mother falker


Why do you do that?? if you want to do this then or don't post it online or BASE it on "on route 666" and not just copy it,, Thats just LAME
BTW -5/5



...i dont think so.

wtf? you said press anything and it will workl
well you saif you'll fukin win!




you just copied the map "On route 777" and changed locations of 3 objects you map thief :P how dare you claim it's your own xP

Why even try?

Doing this is stupid because:
1. Stealing another person's work
2. Always gets rated zero
3. Everyone now hates you

To top it off, it doesn't even work.