
Thumbnail of the map 'Migrane'

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Author turtles
Tags 1337 author:turtles dda kradda rated
Created 2007-12-16
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description My first KRADDA.
1337 frames.

Yes, I use gold delay. Yes, I use launchpads. I think launch pads are not bad, if you don't use them more than fifty percent of the time. I used them nearly half of the time.

Two cool things happened with this DDA. The first thing is that the rocket and the ninja were in the same empty tilespace. That happened at the top. Basically, they were in one square unit of room.

The other thing is that the ninja litterally lands on the rocket.
Also, the rocket dies around the 1300th frame. I just wanted 1337 because I was so close. :P

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Madrid' Thumbnail of the map 'Tacoma Narrows' Thumbnail of the map 'Zipper' Thumbnail of the map 'Icy Jaws' Thumbnail of the map 'Die Another Day' Thumbnail of the map 'From Russia with Love'
Madrid Tacoma Narrows Zipper Icy Jaws Die Another Day From Russia with Love


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its just when you use it too much.(you didnt that much) By the way, great dda


There was a little unneeded gold delay at the end, and the rocket died at the end, but very good for a first.


There was a lot that I liked about this DDA. The tileset was very cool, it kept up a nice solid pace, and the close calls (though few) were good. I also really liked the roundabout at the top.

My criticisms are all things of which you are well aware by now. Easy propulsion, excessive gold delay, early rocket death, and not enough close calls.
you get what I mean?

Alright.. its well..alright. I didn't particularly like launchpads. and not that many close calls.

I nearly never get commented
some things were pretty good and the rocket death wasnt bad. didnt really like the launchpads in the bottom left - too many of them, but what can you do. 3.5/5 from moi.


forgot to disable ratings
This took me about five hours, btw

great map

tileset is sweet to say the least
dying rocket was kind of a disappointment
and i don't mark down for launchpads or gold delay

I have nothing against launchpads in DDA's, especially when used like this, but it's sort of boring, so I give it a 3.5.

Pretty nice.

The gold delay could've been worse. Same with the launchpads. It wasn't bad. A few nice close calls. Nothing spectacular.
