
Thumbnail of the map 'Sleep'

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Author fingersonthefrets
Tags author:fingersonthefrets medium unrated
Created 2007-12-13
Last Modified 2007-12-18
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description second one, possibly for turtles competition, i haven't decided yet.

can you guys help me decide? here's the first one:

and here's turtles competition:
, check the rules and how i would be scored please to give advice (i haven't put the turtle-is-hot tag in because i'm not sure if this should be my medium one yeah)

this one would be the medium one if i submit it, i am yet to do hard

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Avalanche.' Thumbnail of the map 'STORAGE' Thumbnail of the map 'Coarse Castle' Thumbnail of the map ';_;' Thumbnail of the map 'Red.' Thumbnail of the map 'Dream'
Avalanche. STORAGE Coarse Castle ;_; Red. Dream


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decent map

I thought the map was awesome, and the gold placement was great, but I felt like the gameplay was a little. . .slow and boring. 3.5

Demo Data


saying they suck doesn't exactly make them feel better, fingers. :P

Love the map. Sweet tiles, drone paths were cool, overall great map. 4.5aved.
Demo Data


Demo Data