Triangular Finale
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Author | JackPack |
Tags | author:jackpack dda nonplayable rated resub |
Created | 2007-12-02 |
Rating |
3 by 8 people.
Map Data | |
Description | My first DDA.
Good closecalls. 6 enemies: 2 rockets 1 gauss 1 zap drone 1 laser 1 chaingun. Ratings and criticism apreciated greatly. Chaingun and laser never messed up on me. If they do, retry and press 1 before playing. Resub due to lack of attention. |
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However, I don't agree with the aggression either of you guys displayed. There is no need for that.JackPack, your deaththreat is untolerable on NUMA.
If you wish MaxRide to explain his rating ask nicely, and MaxRide, if JackPack isn't nice to you, don't stoop to his level.
If you wish MaxRide to explain his rating ask nicely, and MaxRide, if JackPack isn't nice to you, don't stoop to his level.
Who are you to tell me what I'm good at?
You have been around for like 1-5 months?
Yes! seven_two got it exactly!
0 = No Point!
1 = Way below average, boring, and a waste of my time!
2 = Almost average, but missing a few key elements!
2.5 = Average! Just like every other map on NUMA!
3 = Better than most maps on NUMA!
4 = Awesome! Unique, crazy amounts of fun, and originality!
5/5 = Rare rating! Nothing like anything on NUMA! Absolutely brilliant!
I used to rate generously, but now I am cracking down to try and get the point across that mappers need to spend more time on their maps. I don't mean to sound rude, but that is just my logic behind my rating and ratings in general.
1 = Way below average, boring, and a waste of my time!
2 = Almost average, but missing a few key elements!
2.5 = Average! Just like every other map on NUMA!
3 = Better than most maps on NUMA!
4 = Awesome! Unique, crazy amounts of fun, and originality!
5/5 = Rare rating! Nothing like anything on NUMA! Absolutely brilliant!
I used to rate generously, but now I am cracking down to try and get the point across that mappers need to spend more time on their maps. I don't mean to sound rude, but that is just my logic behind my rating and ratings in general.
Oh, he has justified it.
Besides, MaxRide's standards are much higher than your typical newbie who gives 3.5 to 5 for EVERY single map they play. Max's been rude to newbies, though.
Two things:
1. MaxRide, I don't care if you give a hoot whether it's his first or three millionth. Surely your maps got better with experience? I mean, like JP said, there are plenty DDAs more noobish than this.
2. JP, I loved how you used different propulsion (normal door, bounceblock, trapdoor). Most mapmakers take a long time to understand how to use this, if they do at all. Yes, gold delay was quite heavy. Launchpads, no. >.< Still, it's very good for a first DDA (mine wasn't as good as this) and I like the close calls. Well done. I'm hovering between 3.5 and 4 right now. I'll rate later most likely.
2. JP, I loved how you used different propulsion (normal door, bounceblock, trapdoor). Most mapmakers take a long time to understand how to use this, if they do at all. Yes, gold delay was quite heavy. Launchpads, no. >.< Still, it's very good for a first DDA (mine wasn't as good as this) and I like the close calls. Well done. I'm hovering between 3.5 and 4 right now. I'll rate later most likely.
I am not rating on other maps on NUMA.
I am rating on how I liked the map. There was nothing in here to enjoy. I could give a hoot if it's your first or your 3,000,000 dda, it's not good. There's my reason, don't argue it.
The tiles are ugly. The gold delay is bad. Not many close calls. Launch pads = bad. Line of trap doors is bad.
Does that fucking explain it?
Does that fucking explain it?
never ever ever
for that 1.5.
this is really bad
ok start at 5
- 2 for launchpads
+2 for bounce block and normal door
-1 for stringed propulsion
-1 for length
- 1 for gold delay
- .5 lack of close calls