
Thumbnail of the map 'Saw'

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Author Sidorio
Tags author:sidorio jigsaw rated saw traps
Created 2007-11-26
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description "Hello N. You're a talented ninja. You could have had so much. Yet your obsession with gold has led you to what? Risking your life by putting yourself in the line of fire from machine guns, lasers and other electrical killing machines. You have forgotten the value of life. However, I am giving you a chance to re-find it. You are locked in a house with four rooms. Each room contains a test. Pass each test, and you are free to go. Fail, and you loose what you valued least - incidentally the most important thing you own. Have fun."
- Jigsaw

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pretty kuul

it was funny (not haha funny) to see how people would interperet the movie and make a map out of it.

Oh i forgot

he doesn't try to kill you. There is always an escape from his traps. You just have to torture yourself physically (and sometimes psychologically) to succeed.

Fire Sweeper

have you even seen Saw? He doesn't try to kill you. He gets people who take their life or the lives of others for granted or abuse them(ie. using drugs, rape, stalking, immoral act), and he puts them in a situation that reflects these dark aspects of their personality, and to survive they must punsih themselves for what they have done. He is trying to revive the survival instinct - what you will d to stay alive - in order to better them. Don't get me wrong, he's a psycho, but you complete misunderstand his motivations.

Also Sidorio WTF look at this:

I think your message was better though. And your level.

I dont get it

Jigsaw wants you to value life so he tries to kill you. What a freakin jackass. N does value his life, he tries to get gold and extend it and then go through the door. JIGSAW, WHAT A JACKASS!




very easy.
Demo Data
its a decent name for him :D
kind of easy.
but better then i expected
Demo Data


not fun - room levels rarely work imo - but the description was good. thats what made me play it.
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