A Floorguard a Day...

Thumbnail of the map 'A Floorguard a Day...'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author littleviking001
Tags action author:littleviking001 floorguards playable rated
Created 2007-11-21
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description Is this too ugly for today's discerning Numa audience?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Unfortunately 2' Thumbnail of the map 'It's About a Desert Sandworm' Thumbnail of the map 'Longrack: Face of the Disguise' Thumbnail of the map 'Created by Donald P. Bellisario' Thumbnail of the map 'I can see a lot of life in you' Thumbnail of the map 'Dear Teacher'
Unfortunately 2 It's About a Desert Sandworm Longrack: Face of the Disguise Created by Donald P. Bellisario I can see a lot of life in you Dear Teacher


Pages: (0)

I like the doors.

I don't think this map's as good as your last two, though.

Oh my.

You do make a point. Many NUMA-goers first judge a amp by visual, never by gameplay. Good, good, point.
But the gameplay in this map wasn't outstanding. 3/5.


i accidently put 5... you'll just have to live with that haha.


it is ugly, but i thought it was really fun. 4aved. i think its cheatable too...

I really like it

Demo Data


little map :(

not at all :)

i love this map <3, very atmospheric, or some big word like that.