Her Mailbox

Thumbnail of the map 'Her Mailbox'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author smort
Tags action author:smort dear rated sendy
Created 2007-11-15
Last Modified 2007-11-15
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Dear Sendy:

I saw a girl.
I saw her sitting with her back to a mailbox, watching the traffic.
Watching me.
I wanted to ask the girl.
I wanted to ask her why she was sitting, if she was alone.
Alone like me.

I walked around the girl and her mailbox instead.

At least she has something.


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Pages: (0)

Fastest AGD

Although I wouldn't really call it a proper AGD because I reach the exit before I get the gold.
But... I beat MaximumRide's demo so I don't care.
Demo Data


Demo Data

All gold.

Very nice. A cute little level.
Demo Data



Second try or something.
Demo Data

Quick all gold.

Demo Data