05 The Gauss Turret Challenger

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Author Andrew(Dark-Spirit)
Tags action author:andrew(dark-spirit) easy playable unrated
Created 2007-11-05
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description 5th.



Other maps by this author

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01The Mine Challenger 02The Homing Laucher Challenger 03The Zap Drone Challenger 04The Laser Drone Challenger


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It's pretty fun, but I beat it first try. Gauss turrets are funny.

Little too easy

Also beat it on the first try, but at least it wasn't as infuriating as the Zap Drone challengerÂ… Sure, I could've beat that one, but it just pissed me off when I mistimed my jumps, when I pressed the jump button too early, etcÂ… 2.5/5

To Easy

Beat it on first try