Ace Chimp #1

Thumbnail of the map 'Ace Chimp #1'

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Author T3chno
Tags ace action author:t3chno chimp playable rated
Created 2007-11-02
Last Modified 2007-11-02
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Time to make a series!

Number one of the Ace Chimp series.
Story: You are a specially trained monkey on drastic mission to find the golden banana.

#1: Training : Get all gold, Exit

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Meteoric Lava' Thumbnail of the map 'A Complex Way of Life' Thumbnail of the map 'Unexpected Mayhem' Thumbnail of the map 'Race for the Cure for Rabies' Thumbnail of the map 'Teh Awsumness' Thumbnail of the map 'Blinded by Poo'
Meteoric Lava A Complex Way of Life Unexpected Mayhem Race for the Cure for Rabies Teh Awsumness Blinded by Poo


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But to me, it seems like it was just randomly put together =/ 4