Stupid Doors

Thumbnail of the map 'Stupid Doors'

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Author mrgy05
Tags action are author:mrgy05 blue doors in map mro playable rated suck they this worthless
Created 2007-10-10
Last Modified 2007-10-10
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description Why are they there?!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Patterns and Colors - Complete' Thumbnail of the map 'Regicide' Thumbnail of the map '#: Tippy Toes' Thumbnail of the map 'Jumpy Ducky' Thumbnail of the map 'Beaded Warfare' Thumbnail of the map 'Unlock Logic'
Patterns and Colors - Complete Regicide #: Tippy Toes Jumpy Ducky Beaded Warfare Unlock Logic


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but it looks good.

Erm well

It was kind of my point to make this an odd map, but seems that made get sniped a couple times and rated an overall average 2.5

Guess I'll stay away from this concept.

This is... odd...

Quite a bit of the level doesn't make a ton of sense to me, it feels kind of uncomfortable. 2.5/5


the flow is exxtremely messy
I rated this a 4.5 before.


2.5/5.. this has been seriously sniped :?


The door switches in the gold clusters were a good idea but were frustrating at times. The mine patterns were good.
Can't say that I liked the tileset, it was a bit too decorated/complicated. There was a bit of an overdose of enemies, it was pretty hard. It was a bit cluttered with superfluous trap door and mines. Not really any flow - I guess this was the worst thing about it for me.

I'm sorry I just really didn't like this level - 1.5/5


Demo Data


This is what I think. (I haven't rated yet)

1. Isn't it a bit cluttered?
2. Some useless objects.
3. Tileset was good.
4. Gameplay was not really superfluous and was hard.
5. And too many doors.

But hmmm.... 3/5?

Could you please return the favor?

x2 1/2 I think

This is how the ratings went for 5 votes. 5/5, 4.5, 2.5, 2/5, 2/5. Is it really that bad? and if so, atleast comment why you think so.


Sniper attack!

Thanks ^_^

And *gives the middle finger* to that sniper.

Weird map.

I do like this, though. It's got some good gameplay elements, not least of which is that it gets considerably harder if you go for a careless all-gold.