Mortis 0-6

Thumbnail of the map 'Mortis 0-6'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Evil___
Tags action author:evil___ inanedifficulty medium mortis playable rated somewhatsimple
Created 2007-10-09
Last Modified 2007-10-25
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description I
Like walking in the park
When it gets late at night
Move 'round in the dark
And leave when it gets light
Sit around by day
Tied up in chains so tight
These crazy words of mine
So wrong they could be

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '3!otc 6' Thumbnail of the map 'Déjà Vu' Thumbnail of the map 'Mortis 0-1' Thumbnail of the map 'Mortis 0-2' Thumbnail of the map 'Mortis 0-4' Thumbnail of the map 'Mortis 0-5'
3!otc 6 Déjà Vu Mortis 0-1 Mortis 0-2 Mortis 0-4 Mortis 0-5


Pages: (0)


While trying to click the submit button, I seem to have somehow lowered my rating. Sorry about that.

Could the next rater please add .5 to your rating (and comment that you did)?


Really nice
But I already rated it :-O

tough level

small and cramped and tough
none of which are bad, of course

Not a AGD

Not a completion demo, but it is impressive how good I was dodging ^_^


This has everything a small action map needs.
Demo Data