8 Rooms

Thumbnail of the map '8 Rooms'

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Author Mr_Brightside
Tags action author:mr_brightside playable rated
Created 2005-07-11
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description Just make it through the 8 rooms and you win. Simple, right.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'House of about 50 doors and 4 rockets' Thumbnail of the map 'Hole 2, Par 5' Thumbnail of the map 'Goldeneye' Thumbnail of the map 'I hate the "Door Eerie's"' Thumbnail of the map 'Chose Carefully' Thumbnail of the map 'War of the Worlds'
House of about 50 doors and 4 rockets Hole 2, Par 5 Goldeneye I hate the "Door Eerie's" Chose Carefully War of the Worlds


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Its not laggy

Either my out of date iBook G3 is fast, or you comp is about 2 years out of date.


It is a little bit laggy. I like the laser room and the chaingun room. I give it a 3.


nice level but loading time is too long. luckily i passed it after 3 goes but it is too laggy. 4/5