Hey Guys (KRA)

Thumbnail of the map 'Hey Guys (KRA)'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author moshpit2010
Tags abstract action asteroid author:moshpit2010 difficult hard kra mosh moshy playable rated
Created 2007-09-18
Last Modified 2007-10-01
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description "Hey, yo, I'm black- Oh.."
"Oops. Sorry. Wrong group."

This is a KRA map. Believe me - it's much more difficult than your average KRA, as if KRA maps had a margin of easy gameplay to begin with, right? =D

Comments would be appreciated. Critique would make my day.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Translitic' Thumbnail of the map 'Californication' Thumbnail of the map 'Maetorication' Thumbnail of the map 'Claustrotastic' Thumbnail of the map 'Fwumpkin' Thumbnail of the map 'Translatory'
Translitic Californication Maetorication Claustrotastic Fwumpkin Translatory


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just noticed

this map has a number of 10-30-50. Neat.
NR ---> 5.
I why on earth you want to keep something alive that was mercilessly hunting you down.
bottom jump is maybe a bit too difficult to keep the rocket alive aswell
Demo Data
Demo Data


It wasn't really a kra in the sense that you had to keep the rocket alive, more in the sense that you could...if you wanted to.

Demo Data