Duck Hunt

Thumbnail of the map 'Duck Hunt'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Prog_Rocks
Tags author:prog_rocks duck hunt n-art nes nonplayable rated
Created 2007-09-16
Last Modified 2007-11-25
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description An N-Art of a classic NES game. I hope u guys like it because my other 2 maps were hated. RCE

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Border'


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Duck Hunt

is a pretty good game.


neat on thumbnail. 4/5


that's cool


Aren't you the guy who submitted that video to Youtube about the Octavarium solo? Please reply on Electrical Circuitra.


good, good job
made me remember of those old times... oh, NES
4/5 because it made me smile.

Good idea

I will do another with the dog


you should do the dog in another! :)
(prog does rock)


That was really made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside lol

dont know why

but i actually like this one - a first for my eyes and its pretty well made. the ducks are ace - not sure about the font tho - maybe its too low or the K is out of place - or maybe its just me. ill give it a 4/5 :P (btw - your other maps werent bad technically - one was just in the wrong section and the other was overused but good)