Here and now there and how

Thumbnail of the map 'Here and now there and how'

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Author kitty_ninja123987
Tags author:kitty_ninja123987 playable unrated weird
Created 2007-09-16
Map Data

Description mmmmmm ok i got some thing for you guys-a riddle what has...
aaaaaaa....6 legs...2
one tail....hmmmm 2 ha-
nds and
has 2 brains....
ooooh i got a good hint-oh nvm just
RATE and if you
SEE my comment i have no idea what this has to do with my map.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The very hard task' Thumbnail of the map 'First in a life time' Thumbnail of the map 'Wall Jump Fancy(resub)' Thumbnail of the map 'Bad on your luck' Thumbnail of the map 'the GOLD challenge' Thumbnail of the map 'First in a life time'
The very hard task First in a life time Wall Jump Fancy(resub) Bad on your luck the GOLD challenge First in a life time


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umm the .map was good and the riddle was nice but you shouldnt give the answer


read the first letter of each sentence. it says man on a horse. this was really hard to do so its kind of jiberish, sorry about that