01-1:supermassive blackhole

Thumbnail of the map '01-1:supermassive blackhole'

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Author monkeyfish
Tags author:monkeyfish unrated
Created 2007-09-15
Last Modified 2007-09-16
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description second in my unofficial series based on song names

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'a simple tileset turned EVIL' Thumbnail of the map 'desparados under the eaves' Thumbnail of the map '01-0:on my own' Thumbnail of the map 'not done yet' Thumbnail of the map 'vertical bunker' Thumbnail of the map 'half-ass'
a simple tileset turned EVIL desparados under the eaves 01-0:on my own not done yet vertical bunker half-ass


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I fell

past the event horizon :( But yeah, I had this idea a long time ago but was never able to implement it successfully. I like this map, AGD is a challenge. Good, miminal enemies, fun to play. 4

Holy Muse

Love it, faved. I'll work on that demo later. :P