Troubled Times

Thumbnail of the map 'Troubled Times'

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Author Why_Me
Tags author:why_me mine-jumper playable rated returning-map
Created 2007-09-12
Last Modified 2007-09-12
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description I haven't made a map in just about 11 weeks. (Which is a very long time for me.) And I have been inactive here on Numa for about that same time. I had decided to come back with a totally hard-as-a-rock level. I have also noticed that nothing on my maps has changed except that I got one new rating as far as I know since I left. I guess that no one has missed my maps very much at all, or you're just too busy (which is most-likely the correct answer). I am very sad that I missed Numa's 100,000th map :(, because I bet that it was pretty cool getting all the way to 100,000.
Anyway, I'm back now, might not make as many maps, and I finally have Bitsize abilities (Woohoo!). So this map is, like I said, very very hard, and it takes a TON of tries to complete. I put double-gold pieces in as checkpoints, so that if you die, and you collected the checkpoint, you don't have to start at the beginning. There is no demo with this, but it is possible, as I have test-played it to make sure that each jump was perfect. Completion with a demo gets a ded, and an AGD demo gets a ded after that and a huge round of applause!
If you aren't good at N, then this level may be too hard for you, and if it is too hard for you, then please don't rate this down, you can get angry at the level, but don't rate bad because of that.

P.S. There are 3 floor guards, and no other enemies....besides load of mines....Good luck! You'll really need it!

P.S.S. The edges are probably the hardest.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Joggled' Thumbnail of the map 'Twisted Minds' Thumbnail of the map 'Twisted Remains' Thumbnail of the map 'The New Kind of Wall-Jumper' Thumbnail of the map 'Glitchaphobia' Thumbnail of the map 'Nitrous Oxide'
Joggled Twisted Minds Twisted Remains The New Kind of Wall-Jumper Glitchaphobia Nitrous Oxide


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nice demo xaelar
Demo Data


And now the xaelar show begins!

Well, I did many mistakes, was overall slow, but still it's a nice run.
Demo Data

TADA! (Completion)

Are you still giving deds for this? If not, oh well. It was fun to do anyway.

As for my thoughts, this is decent. You kinda spammed the mines, and I don't like the single gold pieces throughout the map. You also don't have a whole lot of variety in your jumps (usually because you have only a small corridor to work in). Oh and those hidden floorguards weren't cool. And really, what's the point of an AGD considering how hard this map is to complete? But to your credit, it's nicely claustrophobic, and most of the jumps aren't too hard. And as the player nears the end, the obstacles get more varied and interesting. Overall, I give this 3/5.
Demo Data


Awww... stupid STUPID JUMP
Demo Data

You get a pretty 5

and a faved!

I did it!!!!!!

Yup =) it is just my Playa200 instincts


to the 4th checkpoint (not going for AGD)
Demo Data


to the 4th checkpoint (not going for AGD)
Demo Data


the beginning for you all.
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Demo Data

First try.

Demo Data

you know what...

never mind. this is just too long. i dont care about the ded. NR.


the hidden floorguards are just stupid.


so frickin hard... i will probably post a demo eventually.
....what with the checkpoints and all....


nobody wants a level this impossibly difficult. The entire first tunnel upwards could be it's own level..