Mosaic 2

Thumbnail of the map 'Mosaic 2'

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Author OutrightOJ
Tags author:outrightoj n-art playable rated winnable
Created 2007-09-05
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description This is an N art even though it has a ninja. Dont tell me if it doesnt flow or anything.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'My First Race' Thumbnail of the map 'Thwump Ownage!' Thumbnail of the map 'I'm Bored' Thumbnail of the map '6 levels' Thumbnail of the map 'Mosaic' Thumbnail of the map 'Prongs'
My First Race Thwump Ownage! I'm Bored 6 levels Mosaic Prongs


Pages: (0)

there is no art here - and as a level its barely average. n-art is called that for a reason. the same one that explained why playable n-arts usually suck. wrong category.

So, erm.

What kind of look were you going for here? I'm really digging the whole circle thing you've got going on there. Such a refreshing change from all the usual arty-farty crap Numa has come to embody recently. I just love how this piece works with scale. Brilliant.
run up the corner instead of jumping


it worked for me anyway


hold right when going up the elevators, that should work it.

Hi OutrightOJ

Kl map Outright!


can i get through the mines when going up
i tried to push right i still died
i was about to rate it 4 but about that i will rate it 3