Chambering Rocket

Thumbnail of the map 'Chambering Rocket'

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Author Guiseppi
Tags author:guiseppi bitesized npb npbwrdd rated
Created 2007-08-27
by 27 people.
Map Data

Description This is a completely new type of map. I spent about 7 hours working on it. It is a type of NPB. It is called a NPBWRDD, which stands for Not Pressing Buttons Where Rocket Doesn't Die. I hope you enjoy this new type of map as much as I do. I'm very proud of myself for making a map this cool, as it took me a very long time. Thanks, and enjoy.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Fork of Assland' Thumbnail of the map 'Thing Shape' Thumbnail of the map 'This Map Isn't Fun' Thumbnail of the map 'Roundabout 7' Thumbnail of the map 'VERI INOVATIV' Thumbnail of the map 'I JUST HAVE TO SAY SOMETHING!'
The Fork of Assland Thing Shape This Map Isn't Fun Roundabout 7 VERI INOVATIV I JUST HAVE TO SAY SOMETHING!


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that was really cool

I indeed remember the chamber-like stuff. Jiggerjaw's DDA, right? Or maybe something similar.

aww maaaan

I was duped...


i thought u hated ddas.

anyway, i love how the doors open and close at exactly the right time. awesome.
Better than my NPBWRDD's.

This is hilarious.

This map has been the biggest ratings booster for Guis in a long ass time.
If you had given it more time, Jig.
Jig gave me his permission (and actually suggested it), and we just did it to see if anyone would recognize it. Apparently, no one did.


You mean KRADDA: Keep the Rocket Alive Don't Do Anything
you made that map right around when I joined numa, so it is probable that I didnt see it, but wow.
You may like one of mine. It's sort of similar to this.
Second of all, don't be too quick to judge things. They aren't always as they seem.


unlike *many* of your other maps, is well thought out and actually requires a decent amount of skill to make. I liked it, and for being good (and trying to kill an old colloquialism) this gets a 4.5. Good one.

I hate dda's

npb's are much better.

NPB for the win!

Who knew?




Awesome.Period. 5/5