Billy Taint McDougalfarmer

Thumbnail of the map 'Billy Taint McDougalfarmer'

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Author Guiseppi
Tags author:guiseppi rated
Created 2007-08-20
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Billy Taint McDougalfarmer was born in a cotton cabbage on the eve of World War I, and upon his birth, he was raped by the soul of a thousand elephants. He never lived it down, and neither will you. Enjoy.

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Oneway Platform Locked Door Oh I wish I wish I Lived on Nigel Krebulon 6JX black vs wite Titties Ass Mangina 99,999


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Average everything.
I'm not a fan of the overall theme of this level, its execution, or it's gameplay.
They kept chanting, "1000 elephants, 1000 elephants," over and over...Now I finally understand.

5/5 for bringing this situation to light.