User information for "4844"

Maps 6 (Show all)
Rated Maps 0 (Show all)
Favorites 0 (Show all)
Map Ratings
Total Ratings 16


The name of it is Once in a Blue Moon.

This map pack is going to consist of 25+ maps, and possibly a few rejects. The first have will contain linear-ish maps, while the second will contain simple maps.

From now on, I'm going to be submitting maps on this account, until the mappack is completed. Which will be announced the forums.

Recent Maps

Thumbnail of the map '1. Shorted' Thumbnail of the map '2. Trinary' Thumbnail of the map '3. The Hive' Thumbnail of the map '4. Phases' Thumbnail of the map '5. Platinum' Thumbnail of the map '6. Alcove'
1. Shorted 2. Trinary 3. The Hive 4. Phases 5. Platinum 6. Alcove