Chain Reaction

Thumbnail of the map 'Chain Reaction'

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Author charlesworth
Tags author:charlesworth dda rated
Created 2005-06-15
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description It does everything for you, so don't touch that keyboard! My first attepmt at making a level.


Pages: (0)


i didn't want to dis you but it's hard to remember that some people are new at this
sorry (:

(P.S intro was, as the name suggests, an intro to KRAsh course
i'll delete it promptly)

It's kinda boring

Look at my DDA. It'll give you some ideas. Look at Lucky DDA and Trap Door Movement.
Demo Data


great_sea's first attempt was fantastic.
Mine was ok.
It's just a matter of not getting lazy. I could tell when you made the jump pad ladders, you just got bored and decided not to do anything interesting.
I'm giving this a 1. It deserves it, in my opinion. Other, worse attempts get zeros.
Remember, this is opinion. If someone doesn't like a map that you love, live with it because it's bound to happen. People are harsh here. I'm one of the harshest, actually.


Your level "intro" only contains a rocket??!!

This is my first attempt, I made it then signed up here. Have a look at a few other first attempts, I think mine deserved more than a 1/5
and click on Sendy's "Thriller" or Formica's "imrobability drive"

notice: they don't use only jump-pads!