1-9 addition calculator

Thumbnail of the map '1-9 addition calculator'

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Author Bunniesandsheep
Tags author:bunniesandsheep rated test
Created 2007-01-23
Last Modified 2007-01-23
by 9 people.
Map Data


to use this calculator you must ALWAYS DO SMALLEST NUMBER FIRST. to enter the number just go into the room which has the correct number and go down the passage. do the same with the next number on the next level. then go into the very bottom section and get the switch in the cell thats open. go right to the end and get the door switch. then go to the section just above it and into the room with lots of squares in a line. if you can go underneath it, do, if you cant then go over it. by the time you get to the end you will have the answer in the bo in the top right-hand corner.

this took ages to make and i might come out with a multiplication one.


EDIT: open cell can be on the levl above (c demo)

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Curvy tileset 2 rock shower I am not worthy of you, Glorious Diamond The Wheel of Truth I am not worthy of you, Glorious Diamond (resubmitted) short but sweet no.2 (finially working)


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Read My Commet!

If you do 5+1 (not 1+5) you'll get 18!
You talk about lack of originality? There must be hundreds of addition/muliplication maps in this place.

On the other hand, I searched for a nike tick N-Art and couldn't find ONE.

So Bite me, Bitch.


at the moment im working on a 1-9 three didget addition calculator. after that im thinking of making an division one.


i was trying to find fun

What nemetacyst

When i see a calcilator map that is diveding or something more complex then I will be happy :|


these levels are pointless...

why do so many people see the binary adder and think "i know, ill make an addition or multiplication, nobody knows how to do that!"

seroiusly, wtf, its not fun, its not new, and its really just not worth the time, not to mention nobody seems to make one that is glitch-free
thats how i intended it

shorter and funnier

version of the glitch

Demo Data


Demo Data

6+7 demo

Demo Data

9+9 demo

Demo Data

i havnt made one b4

any way heres the demo, its for 7+9
Demo Data


you made another calculator map.