It's a Trap!

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Author Davidafett
Tags author:davidafett playable puzzle unrated
Created 2006-08-03
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This level is quite confusing. mainly, just try imagining platforms under all the gold. That is all.


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Ok i want every one to read this. I have had so many complaints, i thought of this. Anyone who has any ideas of improving this level lease post it. In 1 week i will have a better version. Thank you


1. you clustered too many rocket launchers... and for what? A 1 second chase.
2. WTF is up with the mines? who is able to blow them selves up when you have 500000000 missles coming at you from the same direction?
3.You have to jump at the exit door switch a couple of times because you put buttons on top of that.
4. Despite the fact you have 35 rocket luanchers, 75% of the level is enemy-less.
plain stupid
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