Thumbnail of the map 'HEAVEN'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author xxxantnyxxx
Tags author:xxxantnyxxx dda rated
Created 2006-07-04
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description This is another one of my small spaced DDA's.

For this one I tried to cheat death as many times as I could and make it last a long time with no gold delay.

-Note- It's important you as soon as it starts so I reccomend doing it before pressing capslock!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'In the Fray!' Thumbnail of the map 'Stacked (remake)' Thumbnail of the map 'Scary Mine' Thumbnail of the map 'Arbortortrium' Thumbnail of the map 'Dancing DDA' Thumbnail of the map 'The Harvesting'
In the Fray! Stacked (remake) Scary Mine Arbortortrium Dancing DDA The Harvesting


Pages: (0)


Interesting..... bUt F*cKiNg DDDDDDDDoEsNt WoRk!!

Demo Data


is weird how on all these cheat death things you die at the end?

By the way,

I really appreciate how almost all of you are leaving a comment when you rate.


I'm good with other propulsion but the point of this map, like I said, was to cheat death and you can't really do that with bounce blocks, trap doors, thwump propulsion, etc...


very cool

Nice, lots of cheating death and no gold delay! Now you just need to work on propulsion. 4/5.
I'm sorry. I don't hate cheating death. What i do hate is use of _that_ many launchpads. So it may be in a small arena but I really do not see how it could be a 5.


If any1 cares I watched it frame by frame and counted 21 cheated deaths.


If your sure theat you didn't let go of right or didn't hit it right away then you may have to press 1 before you start. I don't think you should have to but if anyone else gets that problem I'll add it to the description.

You get 5/5!

The map was only a 4/5... but I know some ass will snipe you since you used the "CHEATING DEATH" bug, and... ...

Cheating death bug roxorz!


that was beautiful... very nice...

although he died hitting a wall a few times for me. oh well. great one...


so much blood, so little death!


Thats pretty cool, I've never seen so much blood lost by N in a DDA. Faved.